Below are a few questions and answers that I prepared for a governors’ meeting tonight, in which we discussed the Primary Capital Programme. How much money is available? 150 million pounds in 2008-09. Rising to 500 million for the following two years. How long will schools get funding? It is planned to be a 14 year programme. However, the government documents are quick to point out that this is subject to future funding decisions. What are the aims? To put primary schools at the heart of the community. To ensure that buildings are fully equipped for 21st century learning. What will the money be spent on? Updating schools, rebuilding the worst schools, ensuring that services such as childcare and extended services are available to all. Who will benefit most? Schools in deprived areas. Schools with a backlog of building works. Possibly rural schools (with regard to extended services). What about the schools who won’t get extra funding? They will continue to receive their Capital Funding as usual. What do LAs have to do? Our local authority is currently having a consultation period of about 10 days (Hmmm). LAs will, presumably, all put in a bid for a share of the money. The bid has to show what they will do to meet the DCSF requirements I listed in my last blog. What do schools/governing bodies have to do? I guess that this depends on your school/LA. I would suggest looking at your LAs bid (I found ours on the LA website) and responding if you have strong feelings for or against their plans. But you will probably have to do this quickly as, if our LA is anything to go by, the consultation period is very short. My advice would be, if you are a school in a deprived area or with excess places (particularly if these are more than 10%), or if you have temporary classrooms then look into it as a matter of urgency – you could benefit greatly. Who can respond?
Our LA wants responses from parents, teachers, governors, service providers, primary care trusts, to name a few.