The best way to protect and improve pupil wellbeing at your school is to create support systems to promote staff well-being, says Tina Rae. Having emotionally literate teachers is vital when working with students at risk of developing emotional problems
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Defining stress is quite a difficult and complex process as it can mean different things to different people. Here, Tina Rae gives advice on how to recognise stress in your students, as well as detailing practical approaches at tackling it
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Is personal emotional wellbeing a priority concern for you and the teachers at your school? Identifying and controlling negative stress is an important part of continuous professional development (CPD), as Elizabeth Holmes explains
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Is this the last year for SATs? Sam Derby discusses a possible end to SATs, and looks at the opinion that the exams are "too stressful" for young pupils read more
Employers looking to prevent and defend claims of stress, and employees who are suffering from stress at work, should make time to read the complex litigation involved, urges Tamara Ludlow
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Meditation can help create calmer and more relaxed classes as well as help a school achieve great SAT scores, says Kevin Hogston
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Is the pressure of school life too much for young children? Roger Smith investigates
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Jenni Whitehead offers advice about recognising and coping with stress brought on through child protection work read more
In his final piece on living with the 21st century’s number one killer, Steve Mynard, editor of Primary Headship, considers the cognitive dimension – the way we perceive and relate to stressful situations read more
Time is a strictly limited resource – we all have 168 hours in a week. The fact that some people seem to manage to get things done and have time to relax is not down to how they manage their time – it is down to how they manage themselves, argues Steve Mynard read more
Teaching regularly features in the top five most stressful occupations. Former headteacher Steve Mynard explains how to harness the positive effects of stress and prevent it causing physical and mental burnout read more
What is the impact of long-term stress on your physical and mental wellbeing? Steve Mynard, editor of Primary Headship, reports read more
Being more aware of mind and body is the key to managing stress says Steve Mynard read more
Claire Maxwell and Ian Warwick highlight some ways in which student mental health is being addressed in colleges of further education
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Secondary drama teacher Julie Leoni writes about how she teaches through the darkest days of winter read more
Programme director Claire Finka writes about how the Sheffield-based Juniper programme helps children find a way to cope with stress. read more
Faye Spalding provides an overview of your responsibilities to your staff. read more
There are many techniques to develop self-awareness, self-appreciation, self-esteem, but what would be useful to use with sixth formers? Life Coach Lunette Allen discusses some of the exercises she works with, which can be tailored to suit most age groups
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We have all experienced periods at work where things are very stressful and we cannot seem to get anything done, or other people and situations are making work difficult for us. Rushing around all day, not managing to complete anything or deal effectively with issues is a common problem. We sometimes need to take time out just to regain some element of control. read more
One day there was a knock on the door at a home for Alzheimer's patients. When the matron opened the door, a middle-aged woman stood there holding an elderly gentleman by the arm. "This is my father," she said. "He has Alzheimer's and I have cared for him by myself for twelve years. If you don't take him, I am going to kill him." And she meant it. read more