Neil Hawkes outlines a values-based approach to school improvement
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Ofsted’s last report on PSHE observed that parenting is frequently ignored in secondary schools. Dr Sue Dale Tunnicliffe outlines ways forward for 11-19 year olds. read more
A Case Study: Anita Brown, Deputy Headteacher, Ponteland Community High School, Northumberland. read more
Cooperative learning strategies aim to promote feedback loops relating to assessment and reflective learning in the classroom at Fallibroome High School. Jane Gormally and Francis Power describe the developments.
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Antidote director James Park and development director Marilyn Tew describe the challenge that schools face if they are to address a decline in student wellbeing between Years 5 and 10
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We are constantly trying to drive up standards of teaching and learning with new approaches, preferably those with a strong evidence base. But is ‘What Works?’ the right question? Should we really be asking ‘How do good teachers get better?’ Elaine Hall reflects on the messages from a meta-analysis of teaching and learning interventions
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Reticence to engage with parents on the part of schools can be deep-seated. Teachers may not be aware of the benefits that parents can bring to the learning experience and the students may not realise that they will benefit too. Julie McGrane looks at how parental engagement can be initiated and how schools can find the forms of engagement that work best
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The DfES, QCA and the National Strategies have got plans for changes to teaching and learning. Is this news? We have learned to live with change. read more
Mark Jennett clarifies why schools and colleges need to talk about homosexuality. read more
Claire Maxwell and Ian Warwick highlight some ways in which student mental health is being addressed in colleges of further education
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Child abuse can affect a child’s ability to learn. In the second of two articles, Jenni Whitehead looks at ways of helping such children in the classroom. read more
Marilyn Tew takes a look at what the Nuffield Review of 14-19 Education and Training has to tell us about whether current strategies will improve the education on offer to teenagers. read more
Sarah Blenkinsop and Marian Morris examine young people’s decision-making patterns, the role their school plays, the skills they require and other influences on the choices they make at core points in their school career. read more
The key change to the curriculum at Key Stage 4 has been to increase the breadth of choice. Alan Monks, Deputy Headteacher, describes the impact on Ellis Guilford School and Sports College, Nottingham
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In the first of two articles, Jenni Whitehead explores present understanding and research on how abuse experienced in childhood affects the child’s developing brain function and how this in turn affects learning
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Richard Bird, former headteacher and now legal consultant to the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), looks at the different interpretations of personalised learning and what they might mean in practice. read more
Do students have something constructive to say about their own education? Putting pupil consultation at the forefront of her research into tacking underachievement allowed Helen Lee to highlight some new areas of concern for her school
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Antidote development director Marilyn Tew describes what she learned from a recent seminar on how music education affects student wellbeing. read more
Judith Harwood, senior regional adviser for the primary and secondary strategy, describes what one school has been learning from its involvement in the Social, Emotional and Behavioural Skills (SEBS) pilot. read more
Lisa Crosswood describes the benefits of a modular Masters degree in Education. read more
Sarah Treneer and Claire Kendall describe how they developed a technique for encouraging children to reflect on their own and others’ learning through the use of peer feedback.
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With closer cooperation between schools and FE colleges in 14-19 education on the horizon, Lee Davies provides an overview of recent changes to CPD for teachers in further education
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This articles discusses using the National Programme for Specialist Leaders of Behaviour and Attendance (NPSLBA) to transform behaviour and raise attendance
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Every school has a general duty of care for all of the children in its care. This extends to ensuring children's safety on the internet. read more
Any primary school teachers out there with workshop ideas? I’m organising a few Antarctica mornings for local primaries and I’m trying to work out what to do read more
Teaching Expertise is delighted to announce our sponsorship of a teacher’s expedition to Antarctica, exploring how humans cope with extremes. read more
Theatre in education can be a powerful tool in teaching sex and relationship education and other PSHE and citizenship topics. Chris Cowan explains
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Citizenship Days for Years 7,8 and 9 focused on the global economy, the environment, disability and challenging stereotypes. read more
This scheme of work has the theme of Rich World Poor World. read more
Rob Sanderson of Wigan Schools Library Service offers some practical advice for building an early years library. read more
Questions for whole-school change – A suggested planning framework for providing citizenship education with a global dimension. read more
Headteacher Peter Kent and deputy Annabel Kay describe how introducing a condensed KS3 programme in their school has created the opportunity for personalised learning
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This project focused on integrating Fair Trade purchasing throughout the school and raising pupil and staff awareness of global issues
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This system introduced a rota of Year 8 pupils as 'Duty Prefects', which raised participation and addressed elements of the Citizenship curriculum. read more
Global citizenship benchmarks for secondary schools. read more
Letting children take well considered risks helps to prepare them for danger in the world, argues former head Bob Jelley. read more
An increased uptake and higher standards for school meals are enhanced by a whole-school approach, according to research by the School Food Trust, and can have a positive affect on behaviour
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Former head Roger Smith looks at ways of promoting creativity in schools, arguing that the concept needs to have its place at the centre of the curriculum. read more
Geography is the poor Cinderella of the primary curriculum. Where did it all go wrong and what can be done about making primary geography teaching higher on the agenda? Paula Richardson makes some suggestions read more
What makes a good supply teacher? Former head Bob Jelley draws on some memories. read more
The Special Educational Needs Regional Partnerships (SEN RPs) have made a substantial and marked contribution to the government’s agenda regarding provision for pupils with SEN, according to a report* from the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER). read more
This project supports the National Framework for PSHE and the National Healthy School Standard, as well as supporting the development of Citizenship throughout the school with some 1400 pupils
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Our theme was 'Rich World, Poor World'. How do we open the eyes of children to equality issues? read more
This project has shown how some 'blockages' to greater global awareness in schools can be unblocked. The challenge now is to share and learn from our experiences. By Sandy Betlem, NEAD. read more
If citizenship with a global dimension is taught and learned in all schools, great things can be achieved! Heather Swainston from Cheshire Development Education Centre explains how. read more
Notre Dame High School took part in a fair trade project, the aim of which was, 'for students to understand the effect of global economics on countries with significant debt'. Specifically, how consumer pressure can ease the burden on developing nations
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Many schools would say their students have a voice, but do they really? What about at Whalley Range? read more
Fair trade day formed part of a whole school curriculum enrichment programme at Congleton High School, and was linked into Citizenship, which explores diversity and human rights in a local, national and global context
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Our multi-cultural arts day was aimed at Year 7 students and was one of a programme of stop days around global citizenship in our school. read more
The Trading Game is part of a proactive approach towards Citizenship, including a new Citizenship department and a Human Rights group.
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