The advent of fall brings not only falling leaves, but also a bevy of fun, fall themes for which you can find classroom decor, games and more. One of our favorite fall themes centers on candy corn.
This simple candy offers a plethora of recipes, craft activities, reading worksheets, math printables and fun games. Look no further. for the perfect candy corn activities for your preschool lesson planning. We have catalogued thirty of our favorite activities for you.
Food Activities
1. Candy Corn Flower Cupcakes
Ice cupcakes to prep for this activity. Your preschooler can then create their flower, using the candy as petals. Extend this activity to include math work by having the students count how many candy corn they use for each circle. Add an additional circle in place of the sprinkles and candy ball. Then, do a compare/contrast activity.
Learn more: Cake Wiz
2. Candy Corn Chex Mix
Give your preschoolers a recipe to follow using measuring cups and bowls. A fun fall candy corn activity that doubles as the snack for snack time. You can also have the children create their own patterns using the trail mix. With younger preschoolers, you might want to create patterns for them to follow.
Learn more: Homemade Hooplah
3. Candy Corn Marshmallow Treats
These treats will require some set up in advance. Melt the colored chocolate pieces in bowls large enough to dip the marshmallows. Allow the chocolate to harden and add eyes.
Learn more: Knead to Cook
4. Candy Corn Rice Crispy Treats
A twist on a classic treat, preschoolers will love dipping their rice crispy triangles into melted colored chocolate. A variation for this recipe that is more classroom friendly uses frosting rather than melted chocolate.
Learn more: Tiny Beans
5. Candy Corn Sugar Cookies
Candy Corn Sugar Cookies are a fun fall activity to do with your homeschooled preschooler. Have them help shape the corn and create the colored dough. This a great hands on candy corn activity to work on motor skills.
Learn more: Kids Activities Blog
6. Candy Corn and Oreo Cookie Turkey
A quick activity to do for snack time, all you need is candy corn, Oreo cookies and paper plates. Your students use the candy corn to create the turkey's tail. Use sprinkles and frosting to add eyes and beak.
Learn more: Cake Wiz
Craft Activities
7. Candy Corn Person
A printable candy corn template allows you to create this fun craft for your little people. This can be a cut and glue activity to work on motor skills. To use less class time, you can precut the components with students just gluing the project.
Learn more: Simply Everday Mom
8. Candy Corn Handprints
Create a fun fall keepsake with a candy corn theme. Eliminate some of the mess by painting the colored stripes on to the children's hands. Then, have them put their handprint on a black or dark brown sheet of construction paper.
Learn more: The Chirping Moms
9. Popsicle Stick Candy Corn Craft
Another one of the fall activities for kids, this one helps them work on their fine motor skills. They will need nimble fingers to glue and paint their wooden candy corn masterpieces. Extend this activity into a fall theme by using the popsicle sticks candy corn constructions together to create tails for a turkey craft.
Learn more: Glued to my Crafts Blog
10. Tissue Paper Candy Corn
A simple, fun activity for toddlers and preschoolers, you can use leftover tissue paper and contact paper. Using the contact paper eliminates the need for glue. Your preschoolers place the tissue paper pieces onto the tacky side of the contact paper.
Learn more: Typicaly Simple
11. Candy Corn Treat Bag
Use household items to create fall themed treat bags that look like candy corn pieces. All you need is paper plates, orange and yellow markers or paint and ribbon. Blend this activity with a counting or matching activity. Students can add a certain number of candy pieces, blocks or other manipulatives into the bag.
Learn more: Inner Child Fun
12. Candy Corn Pom Pom Painting
Cut out candy corn shapes on construction paper. If you use dark paper, you can have your students paint with white as well. Have your preschoolers use cotton balls or pom pons held by clothespins to paint each section the appropriate color. Add ribbon to the top to hand to dry.
Learn more: Crafty Morning
Reading Activities
13. Candy Corn Reading Comprehension Activity
You can't go wrong with free reading printables. You can use these as parts of a literacy center. Read with students then follow up with comprehension questions. Students can also color and mark-up sheets as they work.
Learn more: A Teachable Teacher
14. Candy Corn Letter Shape Printable
Students get to work on literacy skills by making letters using candy corn pieces. You can have your preschoolers do this directly on an activity table or use the printable as a template. You can also use the printable templates to differentiate during the activity for your struggling learners.
Learn more: Miss Humble Bee
15. Candy Corn Sound Activity
A twist on your usual fun candy corn activities, give students candy corn pieces. They use these as markers to identify the correct beginning sound for the pictures on the printable. You can shake up this activity by having them cover the incorrect sounds and leaving the matching sound uncovered.
Learn more: Lessons 4 little Ones
16. Candy Corn Rhyming Activity
Download this phonological awareness ideas. Students have to find the matching rhyme. You can use this among other fun ideas for fall stations to build literacy skills. You can modify this activity to any number or letter activity as long as the connection between each puzzle piece is clear.
Learn more: Make Take Teach
17. Digital Candy Corn Letter Sounds
Students work on sound and letter recognition using an online candy corn mat. Your preschoolers can work on beginning, middle, ending and blending sounds with this activity. This activity is great to include as a literacy center for independent work.
Learn more: Fun Learning for Kids
18. Printable Candy Corn Preschool Packets
Create a candy corn printable packet for your students to complete. Include letter recognition sheets, coloring pages, and letter writing practice to keep students occupied with these fall themed pages.
Learn more: First School
Math Activities
19. Candy Corn Greater or Lesser Than
Candy corn pieces double as greater than or less than signs in this math activity. Print out appropriate level math comparisons worksheets. Have your preschool students use the candy corn in place of the greater/less than symbols.
Learn more: Lessons 4 little ones
20. Candy Corn Counting
Engaging candy corn math activities are plentiful. Try this fun one to help preschoolers learn to count. You can also have them work on estimating the amount of candy and then counting out the actual pieces based on the marked sheets.
Learn more: Everyday Chaos and Calm
21. Candy Corn Puzzles for Math
Students put the puzzle together and learn the different ways numbers can be symbolized. They have to match the numeral, number of dots and written word to complete each puzzle. As your students advance, you can create puzzles where your preschoolers put the numbers in order. With advanced students, you can extend this activity by including simple addition.
Learn more: From ABCs to ACTS
22. Fill the Candy Corn Dice Math Activity
Students roll dice to see how many candy corn pieces they need to add to their worksheet. You can turn this into a game and have your preschoolers race to see who is able to fill their spot first. You can also morph this into a team activity where one student rolls the dice, another counts out the pieces and the third places them on the template. Rotate until all three layers are filled.
Learn more: Little Zizzers
24. Candy Corn Patterns
Have students match their candy corn pieces to the patterns presented to them on the worksheet or pattern strip. To extend the activity, have them count the number of candy corn needed for each pattern and write the number on their paper, strip or whiteboard.
Learn more: The Early Childhood Academy
25. Candy Corn Drop
Students stand at a designated spot and try to drop their candy corn pieces into a jar. You can raise the difficulty by narrowing the neck of the jar as they advance. Differentiate by having students count as they drop the pieces into the jar.
Learn more: Happy Home Fairy
26. Candy Corn Relay Race
In this fun fall game, students cannot use their hands to do anything but hold their spoon. Place a few pieces of candy corn on the spoon. Students have to safely deliver the candy corn bucket at the other end of the room. They come back and hand off their spoon to their teammate.
Learn more: Stuming Games
27. Candy Corn Hunt
Hide candy corn throughout the room. Students can work in teams to find the pieces. Tie this to your math activities by giving them a certain number they must find. A variation would be to hide a different colored piece in a bowl. Let students try to find the one that doesn't belong.
Learn more: Pinterest
28. Candy Corn Guessing Game
Fill various containers with candy corn. Students can have a recording sheet that has a space to write their guess for each container. Use this opportunity to have a math talk. Ask students how they decided on their guess. Let them show you how they thought through their estimate.
Learn more: Fun Party Pop
29. Candy Corn Chopstick Race
Fill two containers for each player with candy corn. Students then use chopsticks, or you can substitute clothespins or big tweezers, to move the candy corn to their empty bowl. The first one to move all their pieces wins.
Learn more: Birthday Party Ideas 4 kids
30. Candy Corn Stacking Game
Players try to stack as many candy corn up on their yellow bottoms as they can. You can time this or have them race each other until one player finishes stacking their candy successfully. Add a challenge by including frosting to "cement" multiple pieces on top of each other.
Learn more: Grit