Literature lovers will get giggles when they read these funny and puny jokes! This list of 28 literature jokes is a great way to take a moment and relax and catch a laugh or two! Enjoy these one-liners, riddles, and other fun quips.
1. Why should you never mess with a Gladiator who knows his English literature?
First, he'll Beowulf at you, then he'll Shakespeare.
2. I once held a Ph.D. in the field of literature.
And then he asked me to put him down.
3. What did the math book say to the literature book?
You're so full of great stories, I'm just filled with problems.
4. Many people think that Edgar Allan Poe was a raven madman.
5. Dad listen, I'm Sherlock Holmes's new sidekick.
You're what son?
6. Why did Shakespeare write in pen?
Because pencils confused him—2B or not 2B?
7. I've taken up speed reading. Last night I read Harry Potter in 20 seconds.
I know it's only 2 words but it's a start.
8. Quasimodo had no information, but the detective took him to a crime scene anyway.
Seems he had a hunch.
9. That Charlotte Brontë, she’s a breath of fresh Eyre.
10. I just finished reading Great Expectations
It wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be.
11. Snow White.
Can't say fairer than that.
12. Great Eggspectations.
A classic novel by Charles Chickens.
13. I visited Charles Dickens's house of birth.
His kitchen spice rack had the best of thymes and the worst of thymes.
14. What outdoor game does Jekyll like?
Hyde and seek.
15. Why was Cinderella thrown off the basketball team?
She ran away from the ball.
16. Writing fairy tales can be a Grimm business!
17. What's a bee's favorite novel?
The Great Gats-bee.
18. Why does Sherlock Holmes love Mexican restaurants?
They give him good case ideas.
19. What did they yell at Edgar Allan Poe as he was walking into a tree?
Poe a tree!
20. I used to be a bookworm. Then I discovered books on tape.
Now I'm a tapeworm.
21. Honestly, everyone should just leave writing poetry to the prose.
22. What’s Emily Dickinson’s favorite reindeer?
23. Why are writers always cold?
Because they're always surrounded by drafts.
24. How did Charlotte Brontë make it easier for everyone to breathe?
She created Eyre.
25. What was Socrates’ favorite thing to mold?
Playdough (Plato).
26. What kind of dinosaur writes romance novels?
A Brontësaurus.
27. Why did the reader give up on Pride and Prejudice?
The characters were too Austentatious.
28. What makes Civil Disobedience such a great work?
Thoreau editing.