Back to school is the perfect time to start fresh and make a lasting first impression on your new students and their parents! Think creatively as you plan your meet-the-teacher event and be sure to include plenty of information and fun activities. Use this detailed list of 22 ideas to help make your meet-the-teacher session a very successful event and help prepare everyone for a great year!
1. Photo Opportunity
Be sure to set up a selfie station or photo booth so you can snag some cute pictures. This will be a way to have your students and their families loosen up and have some fun. These will make a great family gift for later!
Learn More: Hanging with Mrs. Hulsey
2. Special Treats
Spend a bit of time fixing some kind of sweet treat for your guests! There are lots of cute ideas available. This lollipop display is perfect! You could also set up some water bottles or fruits as other options.
Learn More: Kindergarten Chaos
3. Flipbooks
Flipbooks make a nice touch for parent night or meet-the-teacher events. This is an easy way to organize important information in one place. If you are an organized teacher, this one would be a great one for you to use. It’s easy to make and provides parents with a handy parent handbook!
Learn More: Hanging with Mrs. Hulsey
4. Sequence of Tasks
Create a sequence of events to direct parents through important information. Create a step-by-step sequence to be sure they fill out forms, share family contact information, and any other parent forms you may need, like transportation plans.
Learn More: Peace Love and First Grade
5. Scavenger Hunt
Create a fun and simple scavenger hunt that students and parents can enjoy together. You can have them put supplies away, find areas of the room, or even explore other areas of the school. This fun resource is sure to get students excited about school!
Learn More: Kristine Nannini
6. Station Rotations
Stations for parents are a great way to manage traffic during your meet-the-teacher event. By providing stations for parents, you will have more time to be free to make introductions and have a moment to chat with each family.
Learn More: True Life I’m A Teacher
7. School Supply Bins
Be sure to provide and label school supply bins. Print labels on colorful paper to help parents and students know where to put their supplies. This will also keep things organized and make it easier for you to put objects away after activities.
Learn More: Kindergarten Chaos
8. Get to Know Your Child Form
Have some forms ready for parents to fill out that will help you get to know their child. Ask about things like behavior, medication at school, health issues, strengths and weaknesses, social issues, parent concerns, or any other valuable information.
Learn More: True Life I’m A Teacher
9. Introduce the Take Home Folder
Be sure to show parents how your take-home folder works. Be clear about which papers will stay at home and which papers need to be returned to school. If you have any other binder or item that will go home daily, this would be a good time to go over it too.
Learn More: A Spoonful of Learning
10. Classroom Tour
Similar to a scavenger hunt, a classroom tour is a great way for students to become more familiar with their new classroom. Have them find certain items or areas and color each item on a checklist. You may even want to add a little note in each area so they know they found the correct place.
Learn More: Education to the Core
11. Help Parents Know How to Help at Home
If you have the opportunity to address the entire group, then take a few minutes to talk to parents about how they can help their children be successful at home. Give them ideas and strategies to use when they are practicing reading, math, or writing at home.
Learn More: Mama Teaches
12. Create A Wishlist
Parents want to help! You can help them do this by creating a wish list! Include things you don’t have to have, but would like to have! Be creative with your display. Let students and parents pick items to send back to school at a later time. Include things like pens, paper, printer ink, gift cards, and cardstock.
Learn More: Pinterest
13. Go Digital With Forms
If you like to go the digital route, provide a QR code for parents to scan. You can link this to Google forms for them to fill out. This will help reduce paperwork and eliminate the risk of paperwork not being finished and returned by little ones later.
Learn More: Pinterest
14. Show and Tell
Have a show-and-tell table! Have math or literacy games or activities out and ready to go. Students can play the games and you can show parents how to use them. You could even make this a make-and-take, so parents can make the game to take home and use for later.
Learn More: Creative Kindergarten Blog
15. Presentations
Create a digital presentation to share with parents. This is a good way to stay organized and on topic. Be sure to include a bit about the curriculum, what parents can expect throughout the school year, ways for them to connect and be involved, and your contact information.
Learn More: The Average Teacher
16. Recruit Parents Now
Recruit those parents! Have sign-up sheets for helping throughout the school year! Have times for them to come in and help with students and projects, but don’t forget to go ahead and recruit chaperones on field trips and with school events.
Learn More: Firstie Land
17. Sign Up For Communication Apps
Help parents sign up for any social media or communication apps while they are there. Many parents have not used these or struggle to get them working correctly. This is a great time to help them. This will help keep them connected to you.
Learn More: Firstie Land
18. All About the Teacher
Provide some background information about yourself. Use an easy, pre-made template to fill in your educational info, personal preferences, and whatever other personal details you feel comfortable sharing. Include some general information about how your classroom runs as well!
Learn More: Kristine Nannini
19. The Night Before School Starts
Take some time to make something special for your new students to take home! Include a poem and some special confetti for them to put under their pillows and dream some sweet dreams the night before school starts.
Learn More: Kinderbrations
20. Have a Fun Task for Students
Keep the kiddos busy too! While parents are busy filling out paperwork, be sure to have a fun and easy independent craft or activity for students to make while they are waiting. They will also be able to take this with them when they leave, so they get a little souvenir.
Learn More: Kinderbrations
21. Teacher Contact Info
Make some business cards or magnets for the refrigerator. Hand these out to parents so they can easily keep up with your contact information any time they need to reach out. Include your lunch time so they know when they are allowed to come and visit for lunch.
Learn More: We Are Teachers
22. Checklists
Print out some easy-to-follow checklists for parents to use when they come to meet you! Help them navigate your classroom and what they need to do while they are there. This will help you get everything you need from them and help them with everything they need from you.
Learn More: We Are Teachers